Welcome to the BYU chapter of the Society of Physics Students!
Upcoming Activities:
Opening Social Movie Night! Thursday, September 15, 7:00 PM in C215 ESC.
The Society of Physics Students is here to help you harness the awesome powers of physics and share that awesomeness with the world. We create opportunities for students to connect and network with each other, their community, professors, and those on the frontier of science. We accomplish this through:
- Community outreach events to showcase the wonders of physics in schools and other public settings
- Workshops to help BYU students network and learn the skills that will make them professionally competitive
- Social gatherings to gather as physics compatriots, nerd out, and, of course, eat free food :)
Come join with us!
Good news: Anyone and Everyone with a physics interest is an automatic member of the BYU chapter and is invited to our monthly activities! Also check out our Instagram and Facebook pages!